10 Felix benefits at a glance! Have you already switched?

The Felix municipalities are pleased. After all, there are many advantages over our counter solution. Marina de Horn, editor-in-chief of both systems: "I am super excited about Felix and could talk about it for hours. But let me restrain myself and name 3 big advantages here.

  1. In our counter solution, users could not edit the national content. Felix now allows you to edit and customize the national content to your liking yourself. 
  2. Nationwide content updates came once a month; whereas now at Felix it is real-time.
  3. A major pain point in our counter solution was that the municipality could not choose its own title for a product: in Felix, it can.

Together with a number of involved customers, Shift2 managed to establish the most optimal PDC design. We did this, early 2020, on the basis of 2 intensive design sprints. A design that also looked at how the information could be used multiple times. And we succeeded! In Felix, all PDC information is managed in one place. And that information can then be used multiple times. Via an API, the information is linked to other systems: for example, to a customer contact system, such as our KCS.

Marc van Tintelen, product owner of Felix: "There is an API on Felix that can be called to retrieve data. From the kcs and the site powered by Drupal, we address this API. The API is well described so that all applications in which PDC content adds value can call it. Do you have Felix? Then you already have this API automatically. And you can link with our kcs, for example. But other links are also possible. An example is the link with the knowledge base of the municipality of Lingewaard".

The reactions of the customers are impressive. Herman and Carolien, from the Utrechtse Heuvelrug municipality, report: "I wouldn't want to go back to the counter solution" and "Felix looks beautiful and works intuitively".

The first 10 benefits at a glance

There are untold benefits to working with Felix. Whether it is because your organization is switching from our counter solution or looking for a flexible Products and Services Catalog:

  1. Manage in one place, use in multiple places
  2. Automatically publish at a specific time
  3. Product name is customizable
  4. Format of content is flexible
  5. Multilingualism? That is on its way!
  6. Rural content to be used in part
  7. Nationwide content updates readily available
  8. Notifications on changes to national content
  9. Styling of buttons, drop-down texts and other elements works perfectly with the CMS
  10. And the application is much more user-friendly. So nice.