Also map internal customer journey for optimal process

Municipalities Ooststellingwerf, Weststellingwerf and Opsterland joined hands in optimizing their personal internet portal (PIP). They stepped into the process somewhat skeptically: will it succeed in realizing the promised improvements in the planned time with everyone's busy schedules, and remotely due to the measures around covid-19? 


The three municipalities work together as OWO in a number of processes, for example taxes. These are processed at a central department for all three municipalities. Nine van de Kamp, communications officer online at Ooststellingwerf municipality: "We wanted to expand and improve the number of services in the PIP, and specifically address the process of taxes." Marten Holtrop, webmaster at Weststellingwerf municipality: "The processing was already done through the PIP and was the same for our municipalities. Residents are used to the tax assessment for municipal taxes coming to them through the PIP. But data entry has also been equalized in this optimization exercise." 

More possible for residents

Residents have more options after the optimization. Marten: "Texts have been improved and added to explain things better, forms have been added, for example to be able to object online. If you are logged into the PIP, many details can be filled in automatically. This saves time and reduces the chance of errors. You can also track the status of your objection. In addition, you can now arrange other things online, such as reporting a move."

Sharing experiences

To see if the conceived customer journey through the process corresponded to what residents expected, a number of them were asked to test online and by phone. Nine: "It was nice to speak to residents and business owners. They are really involved in the municipality and therefore really appreciated being able to think along. In the conversations, the residents themselves suggested solutions. For example, the item "my data" was at the top and yet many people could not find it. Based on the testers' suggestions, we moved it and it became much clearer. For example, one business owner saw opportunities for them to start managing and tracking certain things online. We shared these experiences with our colleagues. It's a start to see what other services we can expand the PIP with."


Internally more aware

The customer journey was also tested internally to see if everything worked as conceived. Marten: "Of course, we first inventoried what is needed in the tax process: are the requested data needed for the application? What steps are done, in what order to complete the application? The colleagues from the Tax and DIV department looked along and tested whether the process went well via the PIP. In terms of process, not much changed, but in terms of awareness they did. They really had to realize that if they put something in the case system, it is also visible to the applicant in the PIP. They are very positive because they have been involved from the start and have been able to think along."


Face-to-face is more fun

Marten and Nine conclude in unison: "The cooperation with SIM was pleasant. We really popped together. We had a clear focus with a clear goal that we were working toward." They both experience the guidance as good and positive. Nine: "The customer journey was not necessarily necessary, but it certainly brought added value. The process was clear to all involved and was really optimized. We took a good look at whether everything we ask for is necessary and clear, in order to handle a request properly. It gives a lot of insight internally and externally." Marten: "There was very good thinking and cooperation from Shift2. Working together remotely via Teams worked effectively, although face-to-face is more fun. It's a successful turbo project!"

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