Checklist for a successful KCC

Customer satisfaction is high on every organization's agenda. Also in government. A customer contact center makes it possible to improve the organization's services. We list five ingredients for a successful KCC for you.

1. Processes and clear service approach

A good KCC starts with a clear service approach and commitment from within the organization. What calls are currently coming in? Who is responsible for them? Are calls always handled properly with the right information? How is the contact with other departments? By making these processes transparent, you can think about how you are going to set up the KCC. You can also think about the role of KCC employees. Do you opt for generic KCC employees who answer all questions from residents and businesses? Or will you make a separation and have employees specialize in a field? This choice directly affects how you want to set up the processes. 

2. Understanding communication flows

As a manager of the KCC, you want employees to have to transfer as few calls as possible. A good knowledge base and knowledgeable KCC employees are essential for this. In addition, it is important to know which colleagues can be contacted for questions that the employees cannot answer. A good design of processes around agenda management is important to have insight into the accessibility of colleagues. 

3. Behavior and awareness

The behavior of your KCC staff is important to get the most out of technology:

  • Are they able to work using the new process?
  • Is there room to train them from within the organization? 

As an organization, you want employees to be customer-friendly and have the right knowledge. Over time, you want to see them grow in knowledge and skill in order to give the right advice to residents and business owners about the municipality's services. At the same time, employees must be able to handle the application so they can record contact with residents and look up important information. 

When implementing the KCC, look at where the needs are with employees:

  • Do employees want to be trained through training?
  • Would they rather read a manual? 
  • Or is the need instead to watch a video explaining the technique step by step?

Also prepare for employees who are resistant from the start. Many colleagues are used to a certain way of working and are afraid of change. Therefore, it is valuable to involve employees in the processes and changes around the KCC from the beginning. It is a culture change and this takes time and effort. Both from the organization and the employees.

4. Disclosure

At a KCC, one of the things you want to understand is: 

  • Waiting times
  • Average call times
  • How long callback requests are open
  • Common conversations

This information is valuable so that calls are handled efficiently. By coming up with KPIs on these types of statistics, we are already ensuring in the project that municipalities will manage this. Measuring is knowing!

5. Application

Besides the work process, knowledge, behavior and information, the last part in setting up the KCC is: technology. As an organization you determine which application will be used, make sure that it includes all important work processes and that it is as user-friendly as possible for KCC employees. Only in this way can your organization provide residents and businesses with the right information.


Our customer contact system solution enables organizations to record, manage and accelerate customer contact. The starting point here is maximum efficiency through: reuse, smart integration and optimization of existing resources, channels and processes. For residents, this leads to fast and short handling of a question or request to the municipality, with minimal provision of personal data. 

For example, it provides us kcs the opportunity for KCC staff to:

  • handle customer inquiries competently;
  • be able to easily connect to colleagues;
  • Leave and monitor callback notes in a quick and convenient way.

Curious about the kcs?

Are you curious about what our customer contact solution can offer you? Or do you have a question about kcs? Our consultants will be happy to help you.

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