Digital forms: keep it simple

How do you make sure your digital forms are set up to be as simple and user-friendly as possible? Consultant Frits Karskens explains in this blog.

A form is an essential part of digital services, but it can quickly become overwhelming if it is overly complexly laid out.

Here are some tips to ensure that forms remain simple as well as user-friendly:

  1. Minimize the number of fields: minimize the number of required fields. Only ask for information that is really needed. Long forms with many required fields can discourage users and negatively impact their experience.
  2. Use clear labels and instructions: make sure each field has a clear label that tells the user exactly what information is expected. Also provide clear short instructions and examples where necessary so that users immediately understand what is being asked of them.
  3. Use simple and understandable language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that the user may not be familiar with.
  4. Test and optimize regularly: conduct usage tests to see how the form is perceived and where any bottlenecks lie. Use the feedback to make improvements and further optimize the user experience.

By keeping forms simple and intuitive, you increase the likelihood that users will find them easy to fill out. A user-friendly form contributes to an inclusive and positive user experience.

From Shift2, we would love to help you simplify and make your digital forms accessible.

Could you use help? 

We'd love to help. At Shift2, we advise local governments on how to continue to strive for accessibility for your online services. Wondering how? Then feel free to get in touch. We'd love to tell you more about it. 

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