Dual DigiD functionality

In 2020, we delivered some of your requirements, which had been on your wish list for our forms for some time, in two sprints. For our forms and the PIP to date, 2021 is all about maintaining and renewing the underlying foundation of the solutions.


Promise is debt and that means that we have also fit two wish sprints into our schedule this year. The next two sprints will be used to address a long-cherished wish of many users. This concerns the double DigiD functionality. This will soon make it possible for two citizens to both log in to one form in order to submit a joint application.  

How does the dual DigiD functionality work?

  1.  Citizen 1 logs in with DigiD and fills out the first part of the form which relates to himself. In addition, citizen 1 also fills in the BSN and e-mail address of citizen 2. Then the question appears whether the citizen wants to proceed immediately with the rest of the application or whether citizen 2 can complete it at a later time.  
  2. Citizen 2 receives an email containing a link to the form. This allows that person to open and further complete Citizen 1's completed application.  
  3. Citizen 2 logs in with DigiD after which pre-fill can take place again. Citizen 2 then fills out the rest of the form.  
  4. Citizen 2 completes the application and submits it to the organization that needs the form to process an application.  

Would you also like to share your wishes with us?

With the wishes that are on the wish list, our developers get to work in a wish list sprint. As a customer, you can follow that process via the interactive roadmap on our social intranet. There you can also leave additional ideas and "dot" what you think is important. We invite you to take a look at the roadmap. Don't have access to our roadmap yet? Please contact support and they will give you access.