A more efficient election process, even for smaller municipalities

Even smaller municipalities need to be able to use the latest software during elections and make it as easy as possible for their polling officials and themselves. With that in mind, Marica Kruishaar, Elections Project Manager for the municipality of Ermelo, decided to investigate switching to our election software. "Why can't smaller municipalities take full advantage of smart applications?", she thought. 

Aerial photo of Ermelo

The municipality of Ermelo was already working with Shift 2 (formerly Procura) to furnish and decorate polling stations and provide essential materials such as ballots, voting cards and candidate lists. In the 2021 Lower House elections, Ermelo satisfactorily used our elections app and portal for polling station members. "The MijnStembureau app was not yet used due to circumstances, but it will be in the municipal elections of Wednesday, March 16, 2022," Kruishaar said.


With Shift2's election solution, municipalities can prepare and monitor the entire election process: from sending letters to polling officials to presenting the results. And that for all elections: for the Lower House, Upper House, Provincial States, water boards, municipal councils and the European Parliament. Marica is very pleased with the user-friendliness of the portal. "It is very intuitive, so you quickly become familiar with it. This is really one of those systems that you don't use very often, but you immediately master every time you start it up. Especially if you make sure you set it up right the first time you use it and the basics are right." She gives an example of how the portal makes the election process more efficient: "Polling station members can very easily indicate their availability. This is immediately visible to us and saves considerable time in planning. Previously, notification and confirmation was done by phone and that just took more time."

Quick help

If the employees of the Municipality of Ermelo do find themselves at a loss for words, they can quickly connect with Shift2. "The support provided by Shift2 is perfect. If we are stuck with something, the contact is quickly made and the solution quickly available."


Want to know what Shift2 can do for your municipality during elections? 

Then contact us