Future-proof WOO solution

By Twan Meijerink, Business Development Manager at Shift2

In an era when transparency and accessibility of government information are increasingly important, local governments face the challenging task of complying with the Wet Open Overheid (WOO). The WOO requires active disclosure of government information, a task that requires considerable effort by traditional means. At Shift2, we have recognized this challenge and offer a solution that not only meets current needs, but is also future-proof.

The challenges of the WOO

The Wet Open Overheid (WOO) aims to increase transparency within government and make public information more accessible to all. However, its implementation poses significant challenges for municipalities, water boards and provinces. From the discontinued central initiative "the PLOOI" to the fragmented provision of information; local governments are looking for efficient ways to present their publications online while improving accessibility and findability.


The need for a new approach

The need for an integrated solution to became clear when the North Quarter Water Board approached us asking for an efficient way to comply with the WOO. It was no longer enough to simply have information available; it also had to be easily findable, accessible and structured. The challenge lay not only in publishing information but also in managing and updating it in a way that was both time- and cost-efficient.

The solution

At Shift2, we addressed this challenge by developing two complementary solutions: a basic website solution and an advanced, automated solution along with Conduction's OpenWoo.app.

  1. WOO basic website

    An accessible website built with SIMsite Drupal on which governments can post their publications. This website provides a clear structure with different categories for government publications. It allows local governments to easily meet the basic requirements of the WOO.

  2. Advanced automatic solution

    This solution automates the publishing process, reduces employee workload and ensures that information is always up-to-date and accessible. 

    For the automated solution, we extended our basic solution with a gateway that automatically collects data from different systems, such as case systems and council information systems. This is made possible by the OpenWOO.app, developed in collaboration with Conduction.

Future-proof and flexible

Our WOO proposition is not only responsive to current needs but also future-proof. It supports the principle of Common Ground, where we strive for a flexible, modular architecture that is adaptable to changing needs and technologies. This allows governments to easily integrate new information sources and continue to meet increasing demands for transparency and accessibility.


The Wet Open Overheid brings major changes to the way government information is shared and accessed. We understand these challenges and have therefore been looking for the solution that not only addresses today's burdens, but is also ready for the future. This is how we support local governments in achieving more transparent, accessible and efficient information sharing for all citizens.