PDC provides better assistance to citizens of Lingewaard municipality

How can we better inform our residents and businesses about what we have to offer? That question was answered by the municipality of Lingewaard with the purchase of product and service catalog Felix. And the link between Felix and its own knowledge base helps the employees of the customer contact center to provide current and unambiguous information even faster.

Town Hall Municipality of Lingewaard

Contributing to the development of products and services catalog Felix

Gemeente Lingewaard is one of the municipalities that participated in the development of products and services catalog (PDC) Felix. Ralph Besseling, communications consultant at the municipality, is very pleased with the result and the way Shift2 involves its customers in the development of new products. "You have the feeling that you can help think about what the product will look like, what is and is not important. As a customer, you know what you're up against, what you need, and so on. And it's fun to do. Shift2 does its best to give customers a voice, for example with user testing. Felix has become a fine PDC."

Sharing information with API

A useful part of Felix is the API for sharing information from the PDC in other places, such as a customer contact system. The moment the API was available, Ralph immediately contacted Shift2. Ralph: "Our customer contact center staff use a system built in-house: the knowledge base. "That was filled manually for now, with partly the same information that is also in the PDC. It's great that the customer contact center can now use the information from Felix."

Felix as source

Ralph sees Felix as the source for products and services. "In Felix is current information, written at B1 level. It helps us to always give our residents correct and unambiguous information. Unfortunately, in practice, our knowledge base still contains old information and information is managed twice. Ultimately, success stands or falls with how the information is maintained. That remains human work, no matter which package you choose. The reuse of information from Felix is an extra incentive to properly manage the various sources of information."

The link with Felix allows customer contact center employees to search both systems at once. All they have to do is click a check mark and search results from the knowledge base and Felix will appear. Ralph: "This is also profitable for new or temporary employees. It makes it easier for them to find the right information from day 1."

Easy coupling

Linking Felix to your own customer contact system is easy. The API is in Felix by default. It is based on currently used standards and the documentation is available online. So you can start working with it immediately yourself. "It's not that difficult, is our experience. We had to ask a question once because something was unclear about security with a token. Based on that feedback, the instruction was adjusted a bit more, I heard. Felix is quite an improvement for us that we are very satisfied with," Ralph concludes.

Want to know more?

We'd love to tell you what Felix can do for your organization.

If so, please contact us.