Texts at B1 level? Rather Directly Clear!

Written by: Marina de Horn (final editor Products and Services Catalog Felix)

We want clear texts. On our website, in our letters. Texts that our readers understand immediately. Texts that are immediately clear. As far as I'm concerned, language level B1 is not (any longer) the answer. Sure: it's a good guideline. But a text that scores perfectly at B1 is not necessarily immediately clear. And isn't that what we want?

Marina de Horn
  • You want to go on vacation abroad. And that apparently requires such an expensive passport. Then when you apply for that, you just simply want to know the steps on how to do it right?  
  • When you get a letter about municipal taxes, you just want to know where you stand, don't you?
  • And so with: rent increases, volunteer allowances, benefits, work in your street, elections, grant applications, to build out or not to build out, and so on and so forth.

Direct Clear language is not a distant concept. Language is a big part of life for everyone. So let's especially not make it complicated. And not bog us down with "if the text is B1 level, then it's good. Because that's not always the case.

It is a craft

Direct clear writing is a craft. It's a matter of doing a lot of flying hours. Not of taking a one-time back-room workshop or a single online training course. No Jip and Janneke language. No disjointed simple sentences. Not necessarily a high B1 score.
The trick is to get to the heart of your message quickly. Be immediately clear. Omit redundancy (yes, even the legal reasoning: banish it to the appendix). By being directly clear, you also avoid the necessary operating costs: Because less aftercare, fewer calls to the KCC and thus less burden on your back office.

3 Tips for writing instantly clear language: 

  1. Always keep the reader/receiver of your message in mind. Step into the other person's shoes. Look from that perspective.
  2. The 4-eye principle. Have your colleague read along and ask if they understand what it says
  3. Test your message with the target audience.

Could you use help? 

We'd love to help. At Shift2, we advise local governments on how to continue to strive for accessibility for your online services. Wondering how? Then feel free to get in touch. We'd love to tell you more about it. 

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