Webinar product launch OpenWoo.app Shift2 and Conduction

On Monday, March 25 was our product launch of our new Woo solution: the OpenWoo.app. In collaboration with Conduction, we told more about our new solution and the possibilities to efficiently comply with the Woo. The OpenWoo.app is a total solution that saves a lot of time and money and complies with all modern technologies. Wondering what the OpenWoo.app can do for your organization or do you have another question about this solution? Please contact us at: contact@shift2.nl

  • The webinar introduces the launch of the manual Shift2 solution and the automatic Open Woo app solution, which helps government agencies comply with the Wet open overheid (Woo). Designed to make government information more transparent and accessible, the Woo presents two major challenges: diversity of publications and the requirement to publish proactively.
  • Shift2 provides a manual solution for publishing Woo information through a CMS. The Open Woo app automates this process through integrations with existing systems such as case systems and council information systems. This facilitates the publication of large amounts of information and ensures that citizens have immediate access to relevant government data.
  • Municipalities such as Epe have already successfully experimented with the app. The open-source nature and collaboration between different governments within the Open Woo app community encourages further development and expansion of links. The webinar also highlights opportunities for proactive publishing, implementation support, and aftercare.
  • The webinar concludes with a call to join the Woo community for further collaboration and exchange of experiences with other municipalities.