Getting started with B1 web copy?
It is mandatory for all (local) governments to provide accessible websites for everyone. Regardless of language level, digital skills or any visual limitations. This turns out to be a big task for many governments. At Shift2 we see that in practice there is a great need for extra manpower, or practical 'hands' to (re)write all website texts accessible and at B1 level.

Flying start
We offer you a flying start to make your website texts B1 and accessible. If you fly in our B1 writers, they will spend 4 days working on the texts of your website. All you have to do is supply the texts and our writers will make sure that they are B1 and accessible.
Closing workshop with toolbox
The last half day is designated for completion with a workshop for the staff of your organization. This workshop is led by a certified B1 coach. During this half day you will see exactly what we have done to make your texts accessible. We also let colleagues experience why it is important for a website to be accessible. We also leave behind a toolbox with tips & tricks to be able to continue independently with B1 and Accessibility.
Could you use help?
We'd love to help. At Shift2, we advise local governments on how to continue to strive for accessibility for your online services. Wondering how? Then feel free to get in touch. We'd love to tell you more about it.