The clock is ticking: is your organization ready for the Woo deadline?

Written by Twan Meijerink

The Wet open overheid (Woo) is just around the corner, and the clock is ticking inexorably. For many municipalities, water boards and provinces, this means one thing: take action. The Woo sets new requirements for the transparency and accessibility of government information, and the deadline to meet them is drawing ever closer. As of November 1, 2024, the first 5 information categories of the Woo must be made compulsorily public. Is your organization ready for this change, or will it be a race against time?

What does the Woo mean for your organization?

The Woo requires governments to proactively disclose information. This goes beyond the existing Open Government Act (Wob) and requires a different way of working. It requires a cultural shift toward more openness and accessibility of information. This means not only making documents available more quickly, but also providing them in an accessible and understandable form.

For many municipalities and other governments, this is a big step. The implementation of the Woo is complex and requires thorough preparation. Consider, for example, putting archives in order, digitizing documents and setting up information management systems.

The deadline is approaching

The deadline to comply with the Woo has been set, and the time to take action is getting shorter. As of Nov. 1, 2024, the following categories of information under the Woo are subject to mandatory disclosure:

  • Laws and generally binding regulations (Art. 3.3(1)(a);
  • Other Acts of General Purpose (Art. 3.3(1)(b));
  • Organization and mode of operation (Art. 3.3(1)(d));
  • Reachability data (Art. 3.3(1)(e));
  • Meeting documents States General (Art. 3.3, second paragraph, item b).

Local governments that do not begin preparations now risk having to rush in the final months before the deadline, which can lead to incomplete or careless implementations. This can not only have legal and financial consequences, but also cause reputational damage. A local government that does not comply with the Woo can be seen as non-transparent or even unreliable. This can have a negative impact on the trust of citizens and other stakeholders.

How can your organization prepare?

Fortunately, there is still time to prepare properly. The first step is to map all the information available within your organization and determine which of it should be made public. This means a thorough analysis of your information management and setting up a clear plan of action.

An important step in this process is choosing the right tools and systems that can support your organization in implementing the Woo. This is where Shift2 comes in. 

We offer an all-in-one platform designed specifically for governments to implement the Woo quickly and efficiently. Our publishing solution provides a structured, accessible way to make information available without overloading your main website. 

Conclusion: make sure you are prepared for the Woo

Implementing the Woo may seem challenging, but with the right preparation and support, your organization can make this transition smoothly and on time. By taking action now, you will ensure that your organization is ready for the new legislation and strengthen your residents' confidence in the transparency of your government. 

Are you curious about implementing our Woo solution? Then download the step-by-step plan below. Would you like to spar without any obligation? Then feel free to contact me at or 06 135 85 057. 

Twan Merijerink

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Read more about the Wet open overheid
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