Dommelvallei organizations ready for Nov. 1 with Shift2 Woo solution

Pirette Wouters is project manager Wet open overheid (Woo) for the 4 Dommelvallei organizations: municipalities Geldrop-Mierlo, Nuenen, Son and Breugel and Dienst Dommelvallei. Here, too, they face the challenge of complying with Wet Open Overheid. This law requires government organizations to actively disclose certain information. Publishing that information requires a platform.

Photo: Pierette Wouters with legal controller Henk Keijsers

Photo Pierette Wouters with legal controller, Henk Keijsers

Choice of Shift2 solution

After research, the organizations chose a solution that is especially easy to find and clear to residents, namely that of Shift2. This solution allowed the organizations to quickly and easily get started with the active disclosure requirement. Its implementation was simple and the solution works well with the existing website.

Smooth and fast implementation

The project went smoothly, thanks in part to the help of Shift2's team. They came to the site to help with the implementation and the project was a success. Pirette says, "Working with Shift2 went well. They responded quickly to questions and problems."

During the project, all categories were delivered, with the Dommelvallei organizations not yet publishing them all. This is because a process has not yet been established for each category. They are working on that on the back end.

"Shift2 offers a clear, straightforward and practical solution with a good implementation plan on the back end."

Clear, bright and easy to use

Since the Woo solution went live, everything has gone well. The communications departments responsible for publications had no problems. They found the solution easy to use. This is also reflected in the statistics. At municipality Geldrop-Mierlo, since its delivery in June, 165 unique people have visited the homepage for the Woo. And 40 people have gone to the page to submit a request. Pirette concludes, "Shift2 offers a clear, straightforward and practical solution with a good implementation plan on the back end." 

View the subsites for the Woo requests here: