Our forms solution makes it a lot easier

"And then, with a big bang, suddenly 75 forms live. That was a lot of fun!" Roy Berghout, information manager at the municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp, is enthusiastic about our forms generator. "The process the customer goes through has become much more user-friendly. And creating forms has become a lot easier for us. I really think it's an improvement!" 

The municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp recently switched to another business system. During the market consultation for this, a forms generator was one of the additional requirements. Roy: "The forms from the generator had to be user-friendly for our customers and easy to read and fill out on all devices. It was also important that we did not have to program ourselves when creating forms. So ease of use was high on the list of requirements. SIMform met the best requirements on paper. And in practice it did. I would so choose Shift 2 again."


The implementation of our forms solution was part of the much larger project, the renewal of the case system. This presented the necessary functional challenges. Sometimes links could not yet be made or functionalities could not be tested. Roy: "That was galling, because it made the implementation take a long time. But it is inherent to the replacement of the case system. There was a delay. What we found very pleasant within the municipality is that Shift2 and the other suppliers always switched with each other for the best solution. That worked out well."

Customer Experience

Roy is pleased with the collaboration with Shift2. "It is very pleasant to work with parties who think beyond their own part. Shift2 is really a complete party; for example, they are very concerned with the customer experience and the journey a form has to make through the municipal organization. Shift2 also has a clear vision and its employees are really knowledgeable. That gives confidence and helps you in making choices." Edwin van Kersbergen, Director of Projects and Consultancy at Shift2 (formerly SIM) adds: "Roy can make quick decisions and the lines of communication in the municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp are short. That has made for a fine collaboration."

Better e-services

All in all, Roy and Edwin are pleased with the result. Edwin: "It ended up delivering great things. The municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp now uses over 75 forms in our forms solution. These are digitally processed in the right back office via a link with the case system. DigiD and eRecognition have also been applied in the forms." Roy explains: "It gives the e-services a boost, because through eHerkenning, for example, declaration of death is possible digitally. This saves time for the municipality and the funeral directors, because the funeral directors no longer have to come to the counter for certain verifications." Through a BI tool (for analysis and reporting), Roy monitors the forms. He can see exactly where a form comes in and where there are problems. Roy: "The user numbers look good. We also get good feedback from customers. With that we can fine-tune things even more."

Personal internet portal

What is the next step? Edwin: "The personal Internet portal has yet to go live. With this, residents and organizations can follow the status of their applications, download documents, and so on." Roy: "In this, the challenge is to ensure that the right authorizations are granted at the right times. This is necessary because our processes include a piece of decision-making where confidential data is processed. It is not the intention that these are always visible to everyone."

Trip card

For support after completion of the project, the Pijnacker-Nootdorp municipality has chosen to work with a strippenkaart from Shift2 . Roy: "We are a fairly small organization with a limited number of people to deploy. And there are still a number of forms to be made. It's nice if we can then sometimes call on Shift2 to help us."